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KLIPSCH S1 True Wireless Black

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Dilihat : 1520 x
Rp 2.184.600
Jumlah Pesanan
- 1 +
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Rp 92.846 / bulan
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Deskripsi Produk :
Kondisi Produk : Sangat Baik
Utilizing contoured ear tips designed specifically to sit inside the ear canal, regardless of size, the S1 True Wireless soft oval silicon tips reduce ear fatigue, provide comfort and an excellent seal for noise isolation.

Featuring a five + 16-hour battery life and a USB charging case, the S1 True Wireless earphones won't leave you hanging.

S1 True Wireless earphones feature top-notch acoustic technology, including Bluetooth 5 Wireless to ensure you never lose a signal and AAC codec so what you hear is crisp and clear.

- Style : in-ear monitor
- Driver : design dynamic
- Driver : diameter f10mm
- Microphone type : no cvc
- Frequency response : 20hz----20khz
- Noise isolation snr: - 82db
- Input connections bluetooth
- Battery (earpieces) 45 mah
- Battery (charging case) 400 mah (supports qi charging up to 1.5w)
- Battery life 5 hours earbuds + 16 hours case
- Earphone charge time 1.2 hours
- Case charge time 1.5 hours
- Bluetooth® specifications version: bluetooth 5.0
- Profiles: hfp 1.7 hsp 1.2 a2dp 1.3 avrcp 1.6
- A2dp codecs: sbc aac
- Range: up to 10m (33ft.)
- Input rating: 5v dc, 0.5a
- Battery status: ios & android battery status monitor
- Weight earbuds 5g/each, charging case 26g.

Unit mulus, fungsi normal, kelengkapan ada semua, dapet unit deck buat display earphone nya. Manual book, kabel charger, ear buds 2 pair.

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KLIPSCH S1 True Wireless Black