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Brand Charger WALLY PORTO Minimalists Card Holder

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Dilihat : 1607 x
Rp 242.000
Jumlah Pesanan
- 1 +
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Deskripsi Produk :
Kondisi Produk : Seperti Baru
Wally is a secure (credit) card holder for the minimalists. It offers room from 6 to 10 cards (depending on the model) and has integrated RFID protection technology to keep your cards and personal information safe.

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. The aluminium interior of Wally blocks any radio waves so skimmers cannot get through to your cards.

No more bending and breaking.
Wally’s aluminium foundation protects your cards while remaining small enough to fit in any pocket.

This is the only wallet you will need in the near future!

Product dimensions (W x H x D): 106 x 62 x 8 mm
Print Area: 90 x 45 mm

Our most complete wallet and the perfect all-rounder.
The Wally Porto is compact in size and surprisingly large in storage capacity. The card eject mechanism allows you to slide out your cards with one simple motion, ready for immediate use. The aluminium foundation protects your cards from bending, breaking and unwanted wireless communication.

Wally Porto can hold:
- 9 cards
- Banknotes
- Business cards
- Receipts

Semua barang akan kami pastikan dalam kondisi baik dan berfungsi normal sebelum dikirim.
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Brand Charger WALLY PORTO Minimalists Card Holder