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Smart Watch S2 with Call Message Reminder SMARTWATCH - GOLD

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Dilihat : 1231 x
Rp 475.000
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Deskripsi Produk :
Kondisi Produk : Baru (unwanted)

Kondisi: Baru
Berat: 38 Gram
Kategori: Smart Watch

Product De ion:
1. Multi interface options
2. Heart rate monitoring
3. Sleep tracking
4. 3 ATM Waterproof
5. Worldwide language/weather
6. View call, text & Whatsapp notifications
7. Alarm clock/long-time sitting alert
8. Steps/calorie tracking
9. Remote photograph (shake your watch, snap your pictures)
10. Fitness mode
11. DND mode
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Smart Watch S2 with Call Message Reminder SMARTWATCH - GOLD