Home > Komputer & Alat Kantor > Keyboard & Mouse > Micropack Wireless Mouse
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Komputer & Alat Kantor
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Official Seller RUMAH LOAK
Jakarta Pusat
5 / 5
< 8 jam
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Micropack Wireless Mouse

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Dilihat : 1464 x
Rp 31.000
Jumlah Pesanan
- 1 +
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Deskripsi Produk :
Kondisi Produk : Layak Pakai
Spesifikasi :
- 5D mini mouse, DPI Optical precision
- 6 buttons with scrolling wheel
- 3 level power saving mode for mouse
- Nano receiver for this mouse
- Lower power consumtion

Kekurangan :
- Tanpa Box
- Fisik bertekstur
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Micropack Wireless Mouse